What do girls like in boys...?

What do girls like in boys...?

Wonder what it is about cool-chicks that drive the girls wild? I asked and they told.
Hina Khan.
What me & my friends like in boys is that they are sweet, kind, & act like they are into you. If a boy does not like your friends or just wants you alone all the time, that can get annoy-ing and end in tears because we need to be alone some-times. Girls like to be alone with their boy-friends but to be honest we girls all want to show off our boy-friends a bit. And believe me DO-NOT try to pressure girls into doing any-thing they do not want to because they HATE that or at least I do. I am 15 so holding hands is good but no further than that because most girls are quite private, especially in their early teens. Having a conversation with boys without looking stupid is very important & when girls feel stupid they often just give up and want to get away because girls get embarrassed so much easier than boys. Girls also like you being affectionate in public to show you are not embarrassed by them.
Also, if a girl is with you & no one is talking. They say some-thing completely random that they would not usually talk about or ask {like have you done the science homework?} then they find the silence awkward & are trying to make conver-sation with you so they might just like you as a friend or they might be flirting. Still, one thing is for sure they like you.
So be kind, tell the girl they are pretty, be there when they are sad, hold their hand in front of friends, give them some space when they want it, buy them some chocolate, look fit and cool, snug their face off and THEY WILL LOVE YOU!!
Sana Ali.
Well I usually like when boys give me flowers or take me out somewhere. So try that. Anything sweet will do! That can work to but the question is what girls like in boy’s? Well some of us like someone we can talk to it is not only based on looks it is also based on if he can treat you right or even have a conversion with you and know what you are talking about without looking dumb or something.
Girls like a guy who is caring and funny and also good looking to them. But if he is good looking and is really rude or mean and does not have a very good personality, he is not worth it. So he has to have a good personality and be able to treat you well.
A nice gentle-man, who does really nice stuff. And we are not necessarily looking for guys who are super hot either, just decent looking. Let your personality overgo your looks. And do not flirt too much, like just being obnoxious to the whole class in general to "impress the girls" because most of the time it is not im-pressive. It was funny at the time, but that is not the kind of guy I would look for to date. I do not take that kind of guy seriously.
I am a girl, and personally, I think that if a guy is what they described before me, you could learn to think he is cute. It is true, jerks are not worth it. And if you are just going for a "hot girl" they are most likely going like the jerks because it fits. Hot goes with hot, especially in high school.
I like boys who talk to me, the kind of boys that do not try to avoid the girls they like. I am not really the romantic type. I like a boy who would not dress up all the time or would not come to my house and bring me roses. But it depends on the girl, too.
The thing that I like so much about my boy-friend, is well! everything. He always says the right thing, even if he is not saying anything silence can speak louder than words. I like how he looks at me, holds my hand, or tells me that I am beautiful even when I do not feel that way. I like it how he takes the time to talk to me or pick me up. He is always there for me and listens to me, through my troubled times and joyous times.

Three things only...
Good looks, Good loo
ks, and Good looks.

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