How To Impress A Girl..!

How To Impress A Girl..!

Ever wonder why so many women adore Shahrukh Khan or Salman khan? No? Well go figure, that’s because it’s freaking obvious. They are famous, sexy & rich. Chances are that you, on the other hand, are neither famous or rich, in fact, even your good looks have not gotten you anywhere lately.

But what if I told you that you can learn how to impress a girl even if you are not that rich or famous? Well brace yourself, because I am going to share with you one of the most powerful insights into the mechanisms of attraction you are going to learn.

Before I do that, though, let’s take a closer look at our “obvious” observation: the fact is, I have seen rich guys try to impress girls with their possessions & fail horribly – they either come off as posers or become “best friends”. Fame & money are fleeting, a& you know it. While they last, they are (at best) indicators for the character traits women seek in men. And you can fare wonderfully with the attributes nobody will ever take from you, find your personal value & play your cards right with it.

Now here is the killer. Men are attracted physically, women are attracted emotionally. Spelled out, this mans that while us men are attracted to looks first, women often go for emotional impressions. Bear in mind that I am generalizing here & of course, both looks & personality count for both sexes, so do not become a dirty slob in torn clothes now. But do realize that your qualification standards are not necessarily the same as a woman’s.

Rich men tend to be successful. Successful men are usually strong, competent, determined & reliable. Men with those traits are attractive, they have a direction in life & create the means to get there. How about you? Do you have something you are passionate about? Everybody does, you know. Go get it! Be enthusiastic about it. Ask any woman if she is attracted if a man has that sparkle in his eye while talking about something he loves, and she’ll confirm. Do not become preachy though, and you are not there to convert her.

Chances are you have achieved quite a few things in life. Search yourself & make a list of your accomplishments (exclude your gaming high scores from it). Feels good, huh? You are not so bad! Now you can use that confidence, when you are with a girl, drop these things into the conversation. Slowly reveal bits & pieces about you & do not make a huge fuss about it. “Yeah, it is a bit like that time I ran my own photo exhibition at the Main Center.” Hey, if you can mention that just in passing, what else do you have up your sleeve? She’ll be impressed.

Note, though, that you want to play your cards right. Rubbing your awesomeness in her face in the first 15 minutes is not being impressive, it is trying to impress. Does not work.