What Are The Factors That Influence Our Self Confidence?
Self confidence is an attitude that allows people to have positive, realistic views of themselves & situations that involve them.
People who are self-confident show that they have control over their lives & their abilities, no matter what happens.
They believe that they will be able to do what they set their mind to with a positive outcome.
Self confident people do not always expect to be able to do everything by themselves; however, they have a healthy & practical approach to everything that comes their way.
Self confidence is not necessarily to enter into every aspect of a person’s life. For example, someone may exhibit self confidence at home but not at work, or during certain situations & not others.
Everyone has some areas of their life that they feel more confident about than others. Areas that people are specially trained in or have learned about are areas that they will generally have the most confidence about.
For instance, someone who went to college & graduated with a degree in mathematics will feel most confident when discussing or using mathematics.
It is natural to feel uneasy about situations that you do not have total control of or do not know much about. However, when you have a lack of self confidence, you rarely feel in control of situations & often do not trust your own feelings or knowledge.
Factors influencing self confidence
There are many factors that influence your ability to have confidence in yourself. Surprisingly, lack of ability or knowledge does not seem to be related to a lack of self confidence.
Often, people who are self confident may display those characteristics no matter what the situation is & people who lack self confidence tend to show little self confidence even in areas that they excel.
Factors involved in developing self confidence
Positive self-image: You need to have a positive self-image. This is important to a fully developed sense of self & gives you the ability to build confidence.
Your view to the world: Another factor is how you view the world. A positive attitude goes a long way towards feeling confident in many situations. You also need to be able to rely on your own ideas & beliefs rather than take on those of others.
Many people with low self-esteem or self confidence place too much importance on what others think. Learning to think for yourself & being able to express those thoughts to others is the key to feeling good about yourself.
Deal your mistakes by yourself: Another factor that comes into play when dealing with self confidence issues is how you deal with mistakes that you make. When you were a child your parents set the tone for how you treat mistakes as an adult.
Whether they yelled at you or took over for you, if they did not let you learn naturally from your mistakes you may be handling them poorly as an adult.
Understanding that mistakes are a part of everyday life for everyone is important in developing self confidence. The fear of making a mistake can cause you to freeze into non-action.
Depression: Depression can actually stem from a lack of self confidence. When you consistently feel self critical about what you do & things in your life it can lead to becoming depressed. Although depression can have many roots, lacking self confidence can contribute to it.
Everyone feels unsure or a lack of confidence from time to time. However, if you have low self confidence most of the time you can take action to change it.
There are strategies to help you overcome your lack of self confidence. This article will show you ways to help you become a more confident person.
Building self confidence is a process that takes effort and commitment. Learning about what causes a lack of self confidence helps in taking action to boost it.
Determine your strengths & weaknesses to learn more about your self.
List your Weaknesses: Write down what you consider to be your weaknesses or faults. Use positive words instead of negative ones. Try not to exaggerate. Use descriptive language. Be as specific as possible.
List your Strengths: Make a list of all your strengths. Try to list as many as possible. If you have trouble coming up with strengths, ask someone who knows you well to assist you. Avoid backhanded compliments.