Seven Best Ways to Start a New Year…

Seven Best Ways to Start a New Year…

Start New Year feeling happy, fresh & ready to take on whatever life throws at you! Now, I am sure that is how we’d all want to start a new year. Am I right? Well, I have a couple of suggestions for you today; a few ideas that could help you start New Year feeling better than ever! So, here we go:


Start New Year fresh by implementing some changes into your living or working area and you’ll really manage to put yourself in that “new year- new challenges – new opportunities” mood! Move the furniture around, reorganize your home décor and get the apartment to the point where it looks so new and interesting that you get surprised every time you walk in. Your new environment will remind you that something has indeed changed and, although this change is nothing more but a new calendar page, you will really feel different and be more inspired to move forward and achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself in the New Year.


A new year is a new start, so in order for it to be fresh, you absolutely must pamper yourself a little bit. Change your hair color in case that’s something you’ve been wanting to do for a while, invest in that must-have piece you’ve been eyeballing the whole month or simply try out a few homemade facials. And don’t forget a long, soothing bubble bath and a low fat chocolate desert either!


Finding something inspiring and creative to do is one of the best ways to start New Year, not only because these activities are fun but also because they will make you happier, more relaxed and able to think outside the box like never before! Find a peaceful beautiful place for meditation if you are suffering from a lot of stress, read a new book or maybe an old classic if your profession requires quick thinking and creative responses or simply enjoy something you used to love but didn’t get to do for a long time.


A round of holiday cheer, a few days of rest and then it is back to work! Now, I am sure you have a lot of very nice goals set up for this New Year just as I am sure that you won’t even remember them until next December. Well, it is time to turn things around and start New Year with your New Year Resolution plans already in progress! Think of it as a list of groceries you’ll need to buy, carry it in your wallet and do everything you can right now, while the decision to change things is still fresh in your mind. If your goal is to read more, stop to the library or bookstore and get yourself an impressive pile of books you won’t be able to resist, if your goal is to lose weight stop by the gym and pay the membership 3 months in advance simply because you know that’s a substantial sum you won’t be able to forget or waste by not going.


Traditions are the best part of every celebration and even celebrations themselves are basically traditions. So, why not start your own family tradition? Make a treasure chest, predictions chest or maybe even accomplishments chest to slowly fill up with everything you’d want to remember next year. And when it’s time to celebrate the ending of this year, you’ll have another box to open and either laugh reading random predictions, smile while remembering the year’s highlights or feel proud when reminded of all of the things you’ve accomplished during the year.


I believe every person has dozens of different hidden talents that are just waiting for their chance to come out and I’d really like to encourage you to start New Year with exploring different parts of your wonderful personalities. Draw, sing, dance, write, even check out a few arts and crafts tutorials and try to make something interesting on your own. Surprise yourself!


The so-called Visiting Board is a very popular way to start New Year feeling motivated so if you still haven’t made your own board, I suggest you give it a shot. You can make a real-life board to pin all the inspiring images onto or opt for a virtual one to keep your in your goal-getting mood all year round.

Well, these are my ideas on how to start New Year and now it’s time for you ladies to share yours! Which inspiring activities will help you start New Year feeling fresh, ready to keep the good things going on and force the bad ones out of your life for good?