How to fight after failure…

How to fight after failure…

Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long….

“The best adventure one can ever experience is that of his own life.”

“There is not a perfect lap, only in dreams. You can get a great lap without any mistakes, but you can always improve it, believe me!”

Picture this: You are travelling on the Expressway on your vehicle, & one of your tyres gets punctured. What do you do now? Do you just sit & wait for the puncture to “heal” by itself? Or do you try your best to repair it & move on with your journey? Everyone would try his or her best to repair it & move on as soon as possible. Draw a similar analogy with your life. Your life is the journey on the expressway. You have to reach your destination (aim or goal) no matter what failures you meet on your way. That aim or goal or destination is your career & goals in life. You may meet with a lot of difficulties just as your journey, but you never stop there. Then why stop in life? Move on from all your punctures.

Many teenagers have a problem with life & how to move on after failures. The simple example above will tell you, that in a journey, if you get stuck up, you will just fall back. Life is a similar journey. We may see a lot of roadblocks in the form of parents, failures in exams, breakup with your partner, poverty, etc. Many teenagers loose their focus in similar situations. The only way to reach your goal is to solve your problem as soon as possible & carry on with life. If something is meant to happen it will. But our aim should always be that such a problem never haunts us for a longer time. If one of your tyres gets punctured, will you sleep on the road waiting for it to repair all by itself? How long will you wait? An action is needed, & that action is required as soon as you can. It all depends on your capability.

That brings me to my “Allergy Concept”

We always have the habit of telling people, you are affected by THIS!! I am not. An allergy does not affect everyone. Some person may have allergy to sea food, someone else may not. Similarly someone may have allergy with dust etc, & another person may not. Some person may be capable of handling his or her failures whereas the other person may not. We must not make fun of the person who cannot handle a particular situation but instead help them out. For example it can be ragging. May be 99 out of 100 may be fine with it, but the 100th person may never be able to recover from the shock of ragging which may affect his or her life forever where we never know what they go or have gone through. This is my “Allergy Concept” where everyone may be fine with something, but it affects one particular individual. Everyone is not similar or the same! Every person has their own height or limit that they can touch considering various factors, & each of us must strive to touch that limit, keeping aside all other external negative or variable factors.

In our childhood we were thought nursery rhymes, most of which were always motivational. This reminds me of the “Incy wincy Spider”. How many of us even remember the rhymes & the meaning they carry? For those who never heard the same or do not remember it, here it goes:

"Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain & washed poor spider out,

Out came the sunshine & dried up all the rain,

So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again."

This nursery rhyme teaches us the fighting spirit of the spider. The spider in spite of tough circumstances, waited for the right time, to fulfill his aim, ambitions or obligations, to reach his destination, i.e. his safety. Where has this fighting spirit gone away from us? Why can not we recover from our initial setbacks & carry on with our life.

Every single difficulty makes us stronger to face every next challenge that we face. Every time I am in a difficulty i remember the worst situation I have been in. If I could face that, I could handle anything in my life. As we say, such difficult circumstances arise to make us stronger for the future. Our life will be plagued with problems forever, but all we must do is thank God for giving us a life & the challenges to make us stronger for the future. We are lucky to see this world, & are lucky to live the life we do. We are lucky for the people we meet. Be thankful for every amazing moment & every feeling we feel. We may not relive the same memories forever, but cherish every single memory you have ever had. If something is meant to happen it will. You need not pursue the same or cry about it. Wait for the right time, because time is the best healer. If you hold a bird too tight it will shit in your hands or fly away. Let the bird fly, if it returns it is yours. Else it was never meant to be.

          "Do not quit, but turn to Allah."

Finally I hope everyone realize that life is a collection of memories. Life is all about creating new memories & to strive to make each new memory better than the best memory you have ever had.