Valentine's Day Love Confessing Ideas..!

Valentine's Day Love Confessing Ideas..!

Ø I love you for the way you complete my thoughts; for the way we complete each other's sentences.

Ø I love you cause you'll never give up on me.

Ø I love you for the way you look at me.

Ø I love your twinkling mischievous eyes.

Ø I love you because I can't imagine a day without you

Ø I love you because you made me complete

Ø I love you because you are always there through thick and thin.

Ø I love you because even fixing a car is fun with you by my side.

Ø I love you for the way we share beautiful sunsets together.

Ø I love you for the strong coffee you make for me every morning.

Ø I love you for the way we talk the whole night long and then cuddle up to the sunrise.

Ø I love you because every time I close my eyes I see only you.

Ø I love you because I trust you more than myself.

Ø I love you for the way you make me laugh.

Ø I love you for your thoughtful and sensitive nature.