How to be Safe on the Internet for Teen Agers?

How to be Safe on the Internet for Teen Agers?

It is fun to surf to Internet. It offers entertainment study tools & is a great place to chat with your friends. While enjoying your time on the web remember that we live in a world where some people try to take advantage of others. For many teens are primary targets. It is smart for you to prepare yourself for what is out there.


 Acknowledge that there are predators out there. These individuals are usually have above average intelligence a decent income & if you met them in person would appear to be the last person you would think would be a predator.

 Avoid giving out personal details in a public space. The predator looks for ways to approach you. If you are upset at your parents he will lend a sympathetic ear. If you like a band he will become a fan & an expert. If you have no friends he will become your best friend.

 When using the chat rooms set you chat profile so that you email address will not be displayed. Report any overly aggressive chatter to your parents. Remember they want to keep you safe.

Use a more random user name. Do not relate your name to your gender age location or interests.

 Make yourself familiar with cyber stalking. A predator will enter a chat room full of young people. He will follow a user through various chats to gather information about the individual. If a stranger knows too much about you that might be the reason.

Remember that the predator will try to befriend you as a peer not as a thirty six year old balding man. He will send fake photos and facts about himself.

 Avoid giving out personal information. A predator might not use the money to call you. He might use it to find you. Your email address can be used for the same purpose to find you.

Do not send strangers a photo. Not only will a predator know what you look like he can alter your photos & paste your face on pornographic pictures & then pornographic sites. Remember he is not like you no matter how much he pretends to be.

 Never agree to meet an unknown person that you meet online. Do not accept gifts. All of these things come with a price you may not want to pay.

Do not feel safe just because you are a boy. An online predator will try the same things with you that he would with a girl. Protect yourself. Be safe while surfing to internet.