The She...

The She…

She is strange. She is shy. She is jealous. She is stubborn. She is idiot, possessive and ironic. She falls in love easily. She swears. She cries for everything. She lives making faces in front of the mirror. She can not remove "he" of the head. She is tough and sensitive at the same time. She still watches cartoons and not afraid of being called a child. She laughs of the silliest things. She has her own style and not cares what others think. She hates her hair but not shave it for anything in the world. She thinks she is fat, but refuses to go on a diet. She prefers gold and a thousand times an all stars, than a bag and a high heel. She prefers to be called a small, rather than "hot." She who may seem anti-social, unfriendly, arrogant, popular, pretty, ugly and legal or boring, no matter what others say or opine this is her way of being. She just wants to accept it as her is. She is Mother, She is a Daughter, She is a Sister, She is Wife, She is a Friend, She is anything but perfect.